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Once your order is complete, we’ll donate $1 to a One Tree Planted project

For every $ donated, we will plant a tree! It’s as simple as that.

One Tree Planted's projects across Asia help rebuild the habitat of critically endangered species like orangutans, tigers, and more than 1,700 species of birds. These projects create jobs and provide sustainable income for communities.

The focus in Africa is to rebuild animal habitat, restore soil and critical watersheds, all while improving the lives of the communities who rely on forests.

The Northern American projects restore forests in the wake of major wildfires like those in Paradise, California; repair damage caused by industry and resource extraction; and even support the endangered Southern Resident Orca of the Pacific Northwest.

Rebuilding forests and restoring land across Latin America, One Tree Planted projects secure healthy tropical forests by improving forest management and techniques like agroforestry, allowing forests to thrive long-term.

The European work seeks to re-establish woodland, improve water and soil quality, and create habitat for wildlife in areas that were historically forested.

Planting trees across Australia and New Zealand, these projects restore forests following the destruction of bushfires, rejuvenating critical habitat for wildlife and safeguarding community watersheds.
1. Air - Trees help to clean the air we breathe, absorbing harmful pollutants and releasing clean oxygen for us to breathe
2. Water - Trees play a key role in capturing rainwater and reducing the risk of natural disasters like floods and landslides.
3. Biodiversity – A tree can be home to hundreds of species of insect, fungi, moss, mammals, and plants, without them they would have nowhere to call home.
4. Social Impact - From arborists to loggers and researchers, the job opportunities provided by the forestry industry are endless.
5. Health - Did you know that hospital patients with rooms overlooking trees recover faster than those without? Trees help reduce stress and allow us to reconnect with nature.
6. Climate - Trees help cool the planet by absorbing and storing harmful greenhouse gases like CO2 and releasing oxygen back into the atmosphere. They are essential to battling climate change!
species are expected to become extinct by the next 25 years due to deforestation
of the world's forests are already destroyed
Removing trees deprives the forest of portion's of its canopy, which blocks the sun's rays during the day and holds in the head at night. This disruption leads to more extreme temperatures swings that can be harmful to plants and animals.
of the world’s terrestrial plants and animals live in forests and are losing their habitats to deforestation. Loss of habitat can lead to species extinction. This is not only a biodiversity tragedy but also has negative consequences for medicinal research and local populations who rely on the animals and plants in the forests for hunting and medicine.
Tropical forest destruction accounts for about 20% of current global greenhouse gas emissions.
man destroys an area the size of a football field
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